March, 1966. This was my FIRST issue of WORLD'S FINEST! The grey hair on Superman intrigued me and the kids, of course. I was 7 after all. I didn't realize this was a sequel at the time. In fact, I didn't even know the meaning of the word "sequel."And "Imaginary Novel?" As Alan Moore would later state, aren't they all?
Note in the ad below that the George Reeves SUPERMAN series continued on in syndication and was a seen on WKRC in Cincinnati. As I recall, it was early evening, maybe 5:30. Meanwhile BATMAN had just premiered on ABC as seen on the back cover.
One of my all-time favorite DC ads. The BATMAN comic was the first I ever bought of that series and I consider it to be the first comic book I ever actually collected. Mark Waid says it was his as well and adds that since it was the first issue to hit the stands after Batmania hit, many others could say the same thing.
Even then, this story seemed to me a pointless addition. Still does. Not even particularly good Howard Purcell art.